“When disaster strikes, the time to prepare has passed”
"During a critical incident, one will not rise up to meet the challenge, but will fall back to the level of their training"
Private Sector / Public Services
Active Shooter Response Training - This training can used at any public venue, or in your own home
Verbal de-escalation, (conflict resolution) & Safety Awareness – situational awareness of one’s surroundings, public venue safety awareness, reactionary gap safety distance, how to read body language & facial expressions to determine when an individual may move from verbal to physical assault
WAVE I (Women Against Violence Everywhere), women’s self-defense program ages 14 & up. *This class has been taught to 6,000+ ladies. (Can be done in a corporate setting as part of a safety initiative, a Lunch & Learn)
WAVE II – has additional techniques to the WAVE I program, and will have a short review of WAVE I techniques *This class is available only to those who have taken our WAVE I program
Jr. WAVE class – ages 11-13 yrs. old, is a youth version of our WAVE programs and will also teach parts of our ‘Child Lures Prevention” program
Dangers Of Going To College training – students must be currently in or moving into their Jr. or Sr. of high school. 'Dangers Of Going To College' *This class is taught to Junior & Senior High School Students. Covers such topics as sexual assault, binge drinking, date rape drugs and their effects, domestic violence, and teaches a self-defense curriculum as well
Child Lures Prevention – for ages 5-13, a new & improved type of Stranger Danger safety class for children